Keyword Research SEO Tutorial chapter
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What is Keyword Research
Keyword research is what we do to find out the words, terms and phrases people use on search engines to search for some specific information or product. We do this so that we can target all the viable terms or phrases to reach those people and motivate them to visit our website. This is why we do keyword research.
Think of it in this way. If you want to create a website then you need to know the language in which you can create which means to know the language which a website speaks. Similarly, to target specific groups of searchers on search engine we need to understand what they speak there which is know the vocabulary of searchers on search engines. This is keyword research.
Keywords research also helps us to know who are our audience and how they look at websites like ours.
Before understanding the search vocabulary, understanding of search, how search engines work, why we do SEO, and how we prepare a website for search was necessary, and we understood all these in previous chapters.
Now to better understand keyword research and keywords, let us briefly go through the process.
Search engines are platforms where people search online. These people are looking for information like, general information; about some company or organization; about any product or service; for a place to go and visit; to know what they should buy, eat; etc. They search for that information on these search engines using terms and phrases.
These search engines will then show them results as list of websites with related information. This they do by matching these searched terms and phrases with the content in websites in their index and display the best.
Here knowing and understanding keywords becomes important as it is through these keywords only that those terms are matched and the results are displayed.
We can understand it this way that searchers ask questions through searching and search engines provide answers by showing them a list of websites that have best of the information which they asked for with their questions.
Websites provide these information, general as well commercial or product, services and company related information. And what SEO does is show best of the websites for each type of information or queries. So, websites are looking to target the traffic on search engines. This traffic is the volume of different queries which is the number of people using each type of query to find some particular information.
Keywords are what connect searchers with the list of websites which answers or satisfies their queries in the best ways.
Keyword research in a way is the base of SEO and very important. You can learn and master keyword research and strengthen your SEO with this FULL professional SEO course. Learn the 9 steps to find perfect keywords that you can rank on the first page.
What are keywords
Keywords are what someone will type in to search for some information or product, services or company, blogs, etc. Keywords are also what the websites use to target the searchers or groups of searchers who use search engines for seeking such information.
Keywords are those words that define a web page content and also represent what searchers are looking for.
When we begin to understand keywords we also need to know what are queries and also know the similarities and difference between the two i.e. keywords and queries.
Keywords and Queries
All the terms and phrases what people to find information are called queries. Whether you type a single word or a sentence, everything typed in the search bar is a query. All those queries look to find information about something.
Keywords are what those queries are pointing to, the meaning of those queries.
Three different people search for three reasons using three queries:
Where to buy formal shirts: query
Occasions to wear formal shirts: query
Types of formal shirts: query
All these queries are about formal shirts. All three are looking for different types of information, yet they all are asking something about formal shirts.
So, the keyword which is common in all three is "formal shirts".
Keywords are the core words about a subject. Websites use these keywords to target all related queries about that subject. Then the search engines match these keywords with all the related queries and terms people search for.
Keywords are the terms which a website and the SEO world uses and optimizes. Queries are what searchers use and type in search engines. And the search engines use both, they match queries of searchers with keywords on websites to find the best match websites for each of searchers� queries.
Why need keywords
Keywords are very important, in fact are the core and base for SEO and what search engines focus on. Nearly since the invent of web search engines, keywords are used to categorize the websites and index these. Every page is indexed, categorized and ranked for keywords.
These are what search engines match queries to. And these are what websites optimize for.
We cannot write a meaningful and effective article or essay or a news without giving it proper heading and dividing it with various sub headings. These are what keywords do. They define and categorize content. Keywords indicate the meaning of content.
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